Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Anne's Wedding, France

For the wedding reception, we had so many different kinds of canape. This is the most impressive one

Starter...white fish (Le filet de lieu jaune au arc de raisin). Not my favourit one!

Main- lamb steak (La meisette d'agneau en croute d'herbes franiches et ses legumes de saison). Cooked just right - perfect!

My favourite dish of the night! Brie and blue cheeses half melted on top of Craqelines! Really really nice. I am not a big fan of neither of the cheese...but I love this dish!

Had a dessert buffet again! and everything was soooo good!!

The french wedding is extremely long. The dinner itself was long as well. Started at 8pm and finished around 1 in the morning! and the party finished around 4 am!

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